

Clubbing – « Un chant d’amour est comme une caresse mise en musique. »

  • Samedi 05/11/2022 à 23:00

Caves Lechapelais

7 rue Le Chapelais 75017 Paris

Salle de concert, salle de spectacle (350 places)

Paris 17e arrondissement

MLa FourcheM 13

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

12,99 €Prix tout public

17,99 €LATE

15,99 €REGULAR

12,99 €EARLY

La réservation est obligatoire

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À propos


Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le samedi 5 novembre de 23h à 6h aux Caves Lechapelais pour chanter haut et fort notre amour au gré des bpm.
Pour cet événement à marquer d’une pierre blanche, TEUF TEUF invite NEOGENE : le collectif distillera toute la nuit ce qu'il se fait de mieux en matière de techno.

Programmation :

Tarifs billetterie :
EARLY 12,99 €
NORMAL 15,99€
LATE 17,99€

Les Caves Lechapelais
7 rue Lechapelais
75017 Paris

En savoir plus

Les artistes


Ombrar is a French and British young producer studying to become a Sound engineer.
He is driven by sound even more than music itself which has shaped a lot the way he produces music.
Always on the move, his style became harder over the years, continuing his path towards a more violent and rough sound.
Passionate by all the different sound techniques and tools, whether it’s with analog gears or digital ones he keeps experimenting all the time, and his interest for Field recordings, gives to his music a certain texture that is easily identified.
Ombrar had the opportunity to play in several french clubs with the Ultracks Records agency.
His ever increasing experience in the Sound domain has enabled him to work on different projects such as Cinema and Radio. He also spends a lot of time working on his label Black Silhouette with his brother.
Deeply inspired by the eeriness and unknown of this world, he is always searching for atmospheres that will define his path.

S'y rendre

Caves Lechapelais

7 rue Le Chapelais 75017 Paris

MLa FourcheM 13 à 157m

MPlace de ClichyM 13M 2 à 291m


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