59 boulevard macdonald 75019 Paris
Porte de la Villette
à 336m
à 265m
à 538m
Sound System Tonight !!!!
Vendredi 28/02/2020 à 22:00
59 boulevard macdonald 75019 Paris
Bateau, Péniche
Paris 19e arrondissement
Porte de la Villette
10 €Prix tout public
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Greetings & Love ,
C'est avec joie que le Néboty Roots Corner vous invite pour la session Sound system Roots & Kulture le Vendredi 28 Février ou nous avons l'honneur de vous présenter Stepper One basé en ile de france et Kébra Ethiopia qui arrive tout droit d'Afrique du sud ( Boksburg ) pour la première fois à Paris et pour sa premiere date de sa tournée Européenne à nos cotés sur la Péniche Cinéma au Parc de la villette Paris 19 !
Kebra Ethiopia Sound system (Glory to Africa) has been playing Reggae Roots music at township community parks for over ten years. It was established in Kwa-Thema, one of the townships located in the south-west of the East Rand in Gauteng, South Africa. By using Reggae music as a tool: it is a movement that concerns itself with community upliftment, socio-economic issues, ghetto living and spreading Pan African teachings. Throughout this activism it has been able to recruit and inspire the community: by offering a safe socializing space of meditation. The music communicate spiritually, thereby maintaining African pride embedding roots and culture with authentic integrity.
Reggae’s roots stem from the historical conditions of both Jamaican slavery and colonialism by
different nations. Most Jamaicans are descendants from Africa, brought by the English to Jamaica to work as slaves. In Jamaica, Reggae music emerged as a native music which addressed issues that affected the majority of the black population. Even today, the message that it conveys is still relevant and informs the present realities.
Becouse of its revolutionary content and awareness that it expresses, the genre is not afforded any media publicity: hence the importance of a sound system, which is professionaly home built by using specific frequencies and the music is played on Vinyl collections. From the humble beginnings of a
passion and love for the music; kebra Ethiopia has had the previlage of participating on a global scene.
It has created and mantained a profound stature in the diaspora.
Love Light & Reggae Music !!!
La musique , la danse , l'art , la culture , le Roots , Le Dub participe à notre équilibre à notre bien être , tu es donc bienvenue et convié à venir la vivre , la partager , la ressentir dans tout ton être jusqu'à en oublier quel jour on n'est !!!
La session sera sonorisé par le Neboty Roots Sound System heartisanal 2 Scoops !
Paf 10 euros
La Péniche Cinéma
Parc de la Villette (face au cabaret sauvage )
Transports en commun
M°ligne 5 station Porte de Pantin
M° ligne 7, station Porte de la Villette
Tramway T2 station porte de la villette ou ella fitzgeral
Bus lignes 75, 151,station Porte de la Villette.
Station n° 19009, 28 bis, avenue Corentin Cariou 75019 Paris
Station n° 19033, 30, rue de Cambrai 75019 Paris
Station n° 19011, 2, rue Rouvet 75019 Paris
Parking, entrée 61 bld MacDonald 75019 Paris
Love & Light
59 boulevard macdonald 75019 Paris
Porte de la Villette
à 336m
à 265m
à 538m