
The Broadcasts - The Wealthy Hobos - Atlas For Home

JEUDI 3 NOVEMBRE. Les gallois de The Broadcasts seront de passage sur Paris, à L'international. Ils seront accompagnés pour cette date des groupes The Wealthy Hobos et Atlas For Home.

  • Jeudi 03/11/2016 à 20:00


5-7 rue Moret 75011 Paris

Salle de concert, salle de spectacle

Paris 11e arrondissement

MCouronnesM 2

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À propos


★★★ LINE UP ★★★

►THE BROADCASTS - Rock - South Wales (UK)

The Broadcasts are a four piece, Alt Rock/Acoustic band based just outside of Cardiff, South Wales. Previously signed to indie label Right Recordings and released a double A side single recorded by legendary producer Stuart Epps. They left a year later to pursue things independently. Since forming in 2012 the band have played at the BBC Club, London in front of music industry professionals, Supported bands like Press To Meco, Dead! and Owen Paul in Cardiff and Supported BBC Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens at Newport Student Union. The boys recorded their debut 9 track album in May 2015 and embarked on our first UK Tour in April 2015. The band have also been featured on Adam Walton's BBC Radio Wales BBC Introducing Show, describing the music as; "Heart on your sleeve, Gritty Rock".

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The Wealthy Hobos is a Blues-Rock trio from Paris formed in 2014 by Slim T and Sacha B quickly joined by Leo B.
The band features different line-ups, allowing them to adapt to where they play, either it's in the street, a bar, or a venue.

One morning of January 2013, Slim woke up with the idea of creating "The Wealthy Hobos", a band able to play everywhere. Later that year, he saw Sacha on stage with his band and talked to him about the project.
Shortly after, they started to work on songs and demos.
The first gigs started as a duo in the street, in bars and small venues in Paris in June 2014, then as a trio in the streets of Athens in August. In November 2014, The Wealthy Hobos, with almost 20 musicians, which includes brass, percussions, violin or even banjo, got in studio to record their first album.
The band played live during 2015, recorded a Single ("Big Blue Bus") in April at the CNSMDP (National Conservatory), then a second Single ("Shake Your Little Toy") in June at ESRA.

Their first album,"Everybody Needs Some Change" was released on February 15, 2016.

Wealthy in their hearts, Hobos in their minds !
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►ATLAS FOR HOME - Pop Punk - Paris

Atlas For Home est un groupe d’indie/pop-punk parisien. Créé fin 2012, ce n’est qu’aux alentours de fin 2013 que le projet s’est lancé tel qu’on le connait aujourd’hui. Sous la forme d’un quatuor - avec Valentin Guérin au chant et à la guitare, Marion Gualandi à la basse, Paul Robin à la guitare et aux chœurs ainsi que Tom Raynal à la batterie -, la formation a longuement travaillé et peaufiné son identité sonore avant de sortir son premier EP « More Than A Year » (2014), influencé par des groupes tels que The Dangerous Summer ou Angels and Airwaves. Grâce à ce format-court et à ses 5 pistes mélangeant riffs incisifs rock, arrangements pop et harmonies vocales efficaces, Atlas For Home a pu réaliser plusieurs dates dans l’Hexagone et en Italie, aux côtés de groupes nationaux émergents (STAMP, The Earl Grey, Soulfakers) et de formations internationales confirmées (Man Overboard, State Champs, Moose Blood). A la rentrée 2016, le quatuor compte sortir un nouveau single accompagné d’un premier clip, en amont d’un second EP prévu pour la fin de l’année, toujours dans le même univers rock alternatif qu’il affectionne particulièrement.

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★★★ INFOS ★★★
Ouverture des portes : 18h00
Début des concerts : 20h00
Entrée libre

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5-7 rue Moret 75011 Paris

MCouronnesM 2 à 242m

MRue Saint-MaurM 3 à 314m

MBellevilleM 11M 2 à 622m

MSaint-AmbroiseM 9 à 746m


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