
Brad Mehldau Trio

  • Concert annulé

    Mercredi 18/03/2020 à 21:00

New Morning

7 rue des Petites Écuries 75010 Paris

Paris 10e arrondissement

MChâteau d'EauM 4

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À propos


Brad Mehldau � Piano Larry Grenadier � Bass Jeff Ballard � Drums *all compositions will be announced from the stage. Jazz pianist Brad Mehldau has recorded and performed extensively since the early 1990s. Mehldau's most consistent output over the years has taken place in the trio format. Mehldau's musical personality forms a dichotomy. He is first and foremost an improviser, but he also has a deep fascination for the formal architecture of music, and it informs everything he plays. the two sides of Mehldau's personality-the improviser and the formalist-play off each other, and the effect is often something like controlled chaos. In addition to his trio and solo projects, Mehldau has worked with a number of great jazz musicians, including a rewarding gig with saxophonist Joshua Redman's band for two years, recordings and concerts with Pat Metheny, Charlie Haden and Lee Konitz... His music has appeared in several movies, including Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Wim Wender's Million Dollar Hotel . He also composed an original soundtrack for the French film, Ma Femme Est Une Actrice .

Les artistes

S'y rendre

New Morning

7 rue des Petites Écuries 75010 Paris

MChâteau d'EauM 4 à 253m

MBonne NouvelleM 8M 9 à 422m

MPoissonnièreM 7 à 471m

MGare de l'Est (Verdun)M 4M 5M 7 à 500m

MSentierM 3 à 796m

RerGare du NordRer b à 746m

RerGARE DU NORD SURFACERer bRer d à 758m

TransGARE DE L ESTTrans p à 577m

TransGARE DU NORD SURFACETrans hTrans k à 758m


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