
Halloween night Party : Sodoma Gomora, 2rbina 2rista

  • Lundi 31/10/2016 à 19:00

Le Gibus Live

18, rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris

Boite de nuit / Club (600 places)

Paris 11e arrondissement

MRépubliqueM 11M 3M 5M 8M 9

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À propos


Sodoma Gomora ZNK Official (CZK)
Sodoma Gomora est un groupe de rap horrocore/hardcore Tchèque. Reznik et DeSade sont les pioniers du style dans leur pays avec leurs premiere sortie d'album "Buh se Utnul" en 2006. Ils ont depuis acquis une grosse fanbase et ont performé dans toutes les salles de concert en république Tchèque ainsi que sur des gros festivals tels que le Hip hop Kemp, le plus gros festival d'Europe centrale. Leurs shows agressifs leur ont permit d'ouvrir pour des groupes tels que Tech N9ne, Necro, Ill Bill, Jedi Mind Tricks... Ils sont en ce moment en train de travailler sur un nouvel album qui sortira courant 2016

2rbina 2rista (RU)
En provenance des magnifiques régions montagneuse de l'Oural (Russie) mais aussi de la ville d'Oziorsk, ville secrète en URSS qui a connu en 1957 la catastrophe nucléaire la plus grave après Tchernobyl et Fukushima.
C'est dans ce décor semi-paradisiaque, semi-apocalyptique que provient Ranto Garcia (le chanteur) et sa clique d'énervé.
Une musique nucléaire, un mélange de Big beat, dancehall, dubstep, musique alternative le tout repris par les voix surnaturelles des rappeurs. Ranto Garcia adepte de vaudou apporte le côté hypnotisant et brutal de la musique.
Chaque concert est un show qui dépasse les frontières du rap et de l'imaginaire.

Quentin Gauthier grew up in a Parisian suburb, among a family partly
made up of adopted children that taught him everything about cultural
diversity. His father had set up his home studio in the living room of the
family flat so that as a child he grew up on sounds from TR808 or MS20
that his father used to record parts for his progressive rock band.
Incidentally, Q.G. took an opportunity to pay him a tribute on the track
B.I.L.I by using samples from his father's original recordings from back in
the day.

When Q.G. reached his teenage years, his parents decided to move
south and the teenager immersed himself in his parents' collection of old
vinyls: Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath or the Who among others ( which is
maybe why Q.G.'s covers often have the look of old vinyls). Later on, his
acquaintance with instruments set him on the way to hardcore music. He
got a band together, 8 Control, for whom he would be the lead guitarist
for the next ten years and which gave him a taste for travels as they went
around Europe playing gigs. Talking of which, it was while travelling in
England that he ended up in the mythical London club: Fabric. Back in
Toulouse he bought his first vinyls and spent hours on the decks.
Following the lead of his childhood buddies from French label Dga Fau
Records he started producing and in 2007, he finally launched his first
EP Reign in Blood, a tribute to Slayer's track, that included a remix of
Toxic Avenger, whom he'd met around drinks in Barcelona.
Q.G. rapidly released several EPs and remixes and played gigs around
Europe. If he now admits that his parents don't really understand his
music and that his mother certainly prefers his sister's Trance Goa to his
own productions, Quentin still bears in mind his parents' teachings and is
willing to go all the way to live his dreams. In 2011, he set himself a new
challenge: travelling across the world for a year, playing gigs across all
five continents. Having quenched his thirst for culture, he finished his
travels off by a tour around Australia with Trashbags and finally went
back home to work on his first real LP.
As the result of several months' composing, Q.G. now delivers this first
album where his rock background meets more recent influences such as
Jackson or Sebastian, as well as tracks alluding to his own life. Although
this album surely is very personal, there is no doubt everyone can
appreciate it in their own way.

Partenaire :

S'y rendre

Le Gibus Live

18, rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris

MRépubliqueM 11M 3M 5M 8M 9 à 214m


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