
HedZup #7 : System 2 x Politics Of Dancing x Wlad x Mancini x Reda daRE

Clubbing – hedZup et le Nouveau Casino présentent : hedZup #7

  • Samedi 12/03/2016 à 23:45

Nouveau Casino

109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris

Paris 11e arrondissement

MParmentierM 3

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

12 €Prix tout public

Le demi est à 5,50 €

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À propos


System2, Politics Of Dancing, Wlad, REda daRE & Mancini - DJ/Producer

▬▬▬▬ LINE UP ▬▬▬▬

System2 (VIVa MUSIC, System2 – GB)
RA : http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/system2-uk
FB : https://www.facebook.com/system2producers/?fref=ts
SC : https://soundcloud.com/system2-1

Politics Of Dancing (Politics Of Dancing Records – FR)
RA : http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/politicsofdancing
FB : https://www.facebook.com/politicsofdancing/?fref=ts
SC : https://soundcloud.com/politics-of-dancing

Wlad(HedZup Records – FR)
RA : http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/wlad-fr
FB : https://www.facebook.com/Wlad-129146243811177/
SC : https://soundcloud.com/wlad

Mancini - DJ/Producer (Signatune Records – FR)
RA : http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/mancini
FB :https://www.facebook.com/Mancinimusic/
SC : https://soundcloud.com/mancini

REda daRE (DJEBALI PRES, Signatune Records – FR)
RA : http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/redadare
FB : https://www.facebook.com/REdadaREmusic/
SC : https://soundcloud.com/redadare


hedZup et le Nouveau Casino présentent :

Après le carton plein de la soirée Saint Valentin,
hedZup et sa team reviennent très fort avec le duo anglais System2 aka Tez Hurst & Danny Hevingham. Ces anglais ont le vent en poupe avec notemment leur label de renom System2 mais aussi leur residences pour VIVa MUSiC.
Pour les accompagner, le duo Parisien qu'on ne presentent plus Politics Of Dancing alias Guillaume Paco et David Matarasso. Les deux boss du label Politics Of Dancing Records ne cessent de nous regaler avec leurs sorties house de qualitées !!!
Bien évidement, comme à leurs habitudes,
Wlad, REda daRE et Mancini - DJ/Producer aka la hedZup Team seront aux manettes de cette 7ème édition.

La soirée s'annonce magique !


Nouveau Casino
109 rue Oberkampf, Paris XIeme

Métro Parmentier

23h55 – 06h00
Entrée gratuite en mettant ton nom + le nombre de personnes avec qui tu viens sur l'event.

▬▬▬▬▬PARTENAIRES ▬▬▬▬▬


Le Bonbon


Chill Music

En savoir plus

Les artistes

Politics Of Dancing

Politics Of Dancing brings together two strong figures of the Parisian night club scene, Producers and Djs S.M.A.L.L and PACO.
Paco spent his childhood in Africa where his early musical discoveries were originally influenced by Funk, Soul, and traditional African music.
At the age of fifteen he moved back to France and over the years started to get involved in the underground dance music scene. After a few years spent promoting and playing records in the french Capi- tal, he eventually originated the month- ly “Open House” parties with Lorenzo Buitoni that gathered an audience of 1500 dancers on a carefully curated blend of Deep House, Techno and Disco. Aside with Paco is David Matarasso, who runs by the name of S.M.A.L.L. amongst his piers. David got the bug for House Music back in 2000 when living in Cali- fornia, as he was resident DJ on Z90, a well known Hip Hop Radio Station in San Diego.
He returned to France with an intricate mix of Hip Hop, Deep House and minimal flavoured Funk in mind, with the aim to ignite the Dance floors of the Capital. S.M.A.L.L. soon became a name to be seen as a resident and guest in Paris's most sought after House Music joints.
As their paths often crossed in record shops, clubs and behind the decks, it appeared clear to them that this uncon- ditional love for all genres of Black Music, and a common appetite for digging records would lead them to combine their dj skills as a team.
From that point, Politics of Dancing originated and they naturally found their way to the Studio.
Their complicity and hours spent behind the decks lead the duo to perfect their already natural skills of entertaining the crowd, and slowly the Parisian duo started gaining a bigger audience.
Now, their productions on Politics Of Dancing Records delight the Dance floors of DC10, Panorama Bar or Amnesia, in the hands of the likes of Apollonia, Ricardo Villalobos or Tuccillo.
Their motivations behind P.O.D Records are to be able to have an old school black music vibe shaped in a very subtle and modern blend of Deep & House music.
Mixing some forgotten influences, loops and drums into relevant club music, perpetuating the legacy of
Larry Levan & Grandmaster Flash into modern House music.
In one night, those two long time friends are capable to transport you from the funkiest Chicago classic to the deepest underground House tune.
Together, they easily can turn any audience into fulfilled clubbers,making no compromises.

S'y rendre

Nouveau Casino

109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris

MParmentierM 3 à 148m

MCouronnesM 2 à 389m

MSaint-AmbroiseM 9 à 572m

MGoncourt (Hôpital Saint-Louis)M 11 à 635m

MOberkampfM 5M 9 à 671m


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