
Jungle By Night

  • Mercredi 16/03/2022 à 20:00


1 rue Fleury 75018 Paris

Salle de concert, salle de spectacle (300 places)

Paris 18e arrondissement

MLa ChapelleM 2

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

Le demi est à 3,50 €

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À propos


For more than ten years, Jungle by Night has been heating up dancefloors with their cross-cutting music at over 600 festivals and stages in 34 countries. The nine-headed instrumental collective released six albums putting the language of their analog instruments first, making people dance on rhythms and grooves inspired by krautrock, dance, jazz, and funk. With its unique sound, Jungle by Night plays for any crowd: from jazz, to pop and from dance to hip hop

Les artistes

S'y rendre


1 rue Fleury 75018 Paris

MLa ChapelleM 2 à 322m

MBarbès-RochechouartM 2M 4 à 327m

MGare du NordM 4M 5 à 473m

MFuniculaire Gare basseM fun à 785m

RerGare du NordRer b à 465m

RerGARE DU NORD SURFACERer bRer d à 578m

TransGARE DU NORD SURFACETrans hTrans k à 578m


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