• Samedi 22/02/2020 à 20:00

New Morning

7 rue des Petites Écuries 75010 Paris

Paris 10e arrondissement

MChâteau d'EauM 4

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À propos


It's like a whiskey that stays on the shelf for a long time. The older he gets, the better he tastes!

Brownsville (Brooklyn), NY first family "M.O.P." has been on stage together for a quarter of a century now and also shows no signs of wear at all!
The two MCs Billy Danze and Lil' Fame have brought clubs and festivals to collapse in over 25 years worldwide and especially the good old head nodding group again and again with hits like u.a. "Ante Up" and "Cold as Ice" face new challenges.
The boys spit pure heat and are still firmly anchored in the hip hop scene on the East Coast. We look forward to welcoming you to the "Warriorz 20th Anniversary Tour".
WhatsApp Hotline: +49 152 525 90 980

S'y rendre

New Morning

7 rue des Petites Écuries 75010 Paris

MChâteau d'EauM 4 à 253m

MBonne NouvelleM 8M 9 à 422m

MPoissonnièreM 7 à 471m

MGare de l'Est (Verdun)M 4M 5M 7 à 500m

MSentierM 3 à 796m

RerGare du NordRer b à 746m

RerGARE DU NORD SURFACERer bRer d à 758m

TransGARE DE L ESTTrans p à 577m

TransGARE DU NORD SURFACETrans hTrans k à 758m


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