
Holy Moly And The Crackers

The Band Holy Moly & The Crackers are a seven-piece ‘gypsy folkNroll’ band from the UK.

  • Lundi 02/05/2016 à 21:00

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105 rue Amelot 75011 Paris

Bar / café

Paris 11e arrondissement

MSaint-Sébastien-FroissartM 8

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À propos


The Band
Holy Moly & The Crackers are a seven-piece ‘gypsy folkNroll’ band from the UK.
Holy Moly and the Crackers are influenced by an eclectic range of styles and artists - the honest grit and gravel of Woody Guthrie, the gypsy bone-cage burlesque of Gogol Bordello: punk, ska, reggae, folk, blues, honky-tonk, Balkan etc. As such they play a unique mash-up of folk/blues, waltz tempos and hoe-downs and french zazou in outlandish carnival style. It is loud, funky and fun.

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Pop In

105 rue Amelot 75011 Paris

MSaint-Sébastien-FroissartM 8 à 36m

MRichard-LenoirM 5 à 343m

MOberkampfM 5M 9 à 358m

MTempleM 3 à 725m

MRépubliqueM 11M 3M 5M 8M 9 à 733m


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